Wednesday, September 22, 2010

First date DOS and should not do

--> First date DOS and should do


1. Be positive

2. Act interested

3. Be calm and collected

4. Have fresh breath

Most importantly

Be confidence confident - says a lot about a Person.Zuversichtlicher will help get you through the first date with ease.

Itself-will be not fool someone by pretending to be someone you aren't.

Things not to do!

1. Not late be

2. Speak 2.all night

3. Too many personal questions


Forget to say thank you and your manners to verwenden.Denken remember that this person will show in your schedule you a good time fit.

Get drunk, it's never attractive betrunken.Sie use someone on a date, but above all a first date, put your best foot forward and show the right impression (which hopefully is not crazy drunk, who cannot control!)